“ Weeds to you. Medicine to me.” Rhonda L. Rusk
Weeds are typically lower level plant life with the job of remedying soil problems. Weeds ability to take up various elements in excess and concentrate them is likely why they are medicinal. Some weed notes:
Quack grass will winter kill if tilled late in the fall. Most weeds thrive in an environment of:
“There are no insects above or below the ground that will feast on a plant that is 13%-14% BRIX” Glen Rabenburg
Within this statement lies the secret to insect control! Insects have no pancreous, so can’t digest sugar. If they do eat a high BRIX plant, the juices ferment within their bodies, and kills the insect. Sugar is Mother Nature’s natural insecticide. In many cases, there is no need to grow plants with a 13-14% BRIX, simply need to grow plants with BRIX higher than the neighbors. If plants get to 14%-15% BRIX, the insects won’t eat the crop, but will devour the weeds. Isn’t nature wonderful? A typical sugar dose for spray application is 1-2 pounds in 20 gallons of water for one acre. If aphids are attacking the plants, could mean too much nitrogen. FUNGUS, BACTERIA, MOLD, & ALGAE