Basic rules of Gardening: 1. Bury everything - Dig a trench the width and depth of your spade : 6-8 inches wide and deep, and as long as needed to bury the the unwanted (the more the merrier). Lay pulled weeds, expired plants, waste foliage - pretty much everything (except quack grass, dandelion roots, sow thistle & most perennials) and cover with soil. No part of the buried plant should be exposed.
The buried organic material is super food for organisms in the soil like earth worms and microbes.
Since the job of weeds is to fix up the soil, if you bury them, it is essentially conditioning the soil not to grow that type of weed. Perfect example is portulaca.
Go ahead and bury weed seeds - seeds will not germinate if they are buried deep enough and they rot before they can germinate.
2. Spray Often - Effective nutrient sprays are sugar water, molasses or milk diluted 10 to 1. What you spray depends on your desired outcome - producing foliage (anionic growth) or seeds (cationic growth) 3. Test Plants Often - Use a refractometer to measure the BRIX of the plants. The higher the BRIX, the more nutritious and healthier the plant, and the more resistant they are to pests. 4. Talk and/or Sing to your Plants - Believe it or not, creating a positive environment contributes to a healthy prosperous outcome. Plants will thrive even if you don't have a great singing voice. It makes a difference and is fun! 5. Admire Your Work - Pat yourself on the back, and admire what you have created.